Careers at KS4

Careers is embedded where appropriate into all subjects across the curriculum. 

 Careers embedded into PSHE lessons and, as well as option lessons. There is a dedicated inspiration programme for year 11 students, as well as 1-2-1 sessions with the Careers Advisor 

  • Recognising our strengths and values 
  • Raising self esteem and aspirations 
  • Communication skills 
  • Goal setting 
  • Economic wellbeing 
  • Teamwork 
  • Employability skills; interview preparation, writing a CV, Work Experience and Application Form Guidance 


Work Experience Opportunities – Proactive Young People 

Opportunities for Employer mentoring 

Opportunities for Work shadowing 

STEM activities - to promote careers in science, technology, engineering and maths. 

Enterprise Activities 

Careers assemblies 

Careers notice board to display careers information in each centre 

Trips and visits – skills shows, apprenticeships fairs 

Careers guidance interview for all year 11 students 

Visits to local colleges and training providers 

Careers workshops and talks 

Employer visits 

Mock interviews with employers 

Introduction to the Youth, Advice and Guidance service for all year 11 students 

Support with post 16 applications and interviews 

Careers Adviser in attendance at all annual reviews for year 11 students 

Carefully managed and supported transition from school to college 

Joint home visits with Youth, Advice and Guidance over the summer 

Continued support from the Careers Adviser until October half term following the end of year 11 to ensure students have been able to engage successfully with their post 16 destination 

Intended destination and September guarantee information provided to the local authority 

Work in partnership with the local authority to provide information for the Annual Activity Survey