

  • As a Trust the focus is on seniority and gender balance when allocating the safeguarding roles.
  • Dr Lisa Patterson-Igwe is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for Stephenson Academy.
  • Pippa Williams is the Deputy DSL for Stephenson Academy.
  • Safeguarding is, however, the responsibility of all staff across the Trust.


  • The Academy should be a safe environment where children and young people can learn. We aim to create a culture of vigilance, where children are safeguarded and timely and appropriate action is taken for children who need extra help or who may be suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.
  • The Academy has a statutory responsibility in this area and staff exercise their professional judgement in keeping children safe.

Key Documents


  • This definition is used in the Children Act 2004 and in ‘Working together to safeguard children’:
  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment  of children’s health and development
  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm, it relates to:

  • Pupils' health and safety
  • The use of reasonable force
  • Meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions
  • Providing first aid
  • Educational visits
  • Intimate care
  • Internet e-safety
  • Appropriate arrangements to  ensure school security, taking into account the local context

Safeguarding can involve a range of potential issues:

  • Bullying, including cyberbullying
  • Racist and homophobic abuse
  • Child sexual exploitation
  • Sexting
  • Substance misuse
  • Issues specific to local population, e.g. Gangs
  • Issues affecting children including DA, FGM, Forced marriage


Confidential records are maintained regarding any safeguarding concerns.

All new staff undergo a thorough recruitment process which incorporates the recommended safeguarding checks.

Stephenson (MK) Trust is an Equal Opportunities employer.  We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff to share this commitment.  This commitment to robust Recruitment, Selection and Induction procedures extends to organisations and services linked to the Trust on its behalf.  An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Certificate is required prior to commencement of employment.

If you anyone has any cause for concern regarding their own or other students of the Academy they are encouraged to contact Dr Lisa Patterson-Igwe, the DSL and Principal, in the first instance.

Child Protection Policy

The Child Protection Policy can be accessed from the Policies Tab under Policies and Statements.  

Other Related Downloads

This page provides access to information that you may find useful to understand further how Stephenson Academy operates to provide the right environment for the students in its care.

STA Safeguarding Staff Leaflet

STA Parent Guide - Concerns and Complaints