School Council

At Stephenson Academy, we are passionate about hearing students’ views and opinions and actively encourage this through student council. We promote and encourage student participation to our half termly meetings where we discuss issues highlighted by the student population. Once an issue or an improvement becomes a school focus students engage in research meetings where they gather sufficient and relevant information before pitching their ideas to the principal. This is an opportunity for students to work on their persuasive language skills, IT skills, team working and communicative skills. We have seen many students’ confidence and self-esteem improve as a result of active engagement in student council.  

Our Ethos 

We really want to hear the views and opinion of our pupils. 

We really want our pupils to help us grow and improve as a school. 

We really want our pupils to be part of the process of change. 

We encourage pupil suggestions, ideas, views, opinions, issues, and concerns, and provide numerous ways for pupils to share these with us. Pupils can attend a meeting, complete an anonymous suggestion slip, approach a student council member, send us an email or communicate with us via their tutor. Pupil engagement and accessibility is important to us! 


Over the last couple of years student council have worked hard to see the school evolve with the pupils’ best interests at the epicentre of what we have achieved. This group of hardworking young people have implemented the following: 

  • Improved the school environment – recycling bins in classrooms, external bins to minimise littering. As well as providing an outside seating area and the installation of the outside gym equipment. 
  • Provided alternative afterschool clubs and enrichment ideas – archery, switch club, cycling etc. 
  • Created school values following conversations around expected student behaviour which are yet to be rolled out formally. 
  • Confidently participated in the recruitment process – interviewing new staff recruits on student panel including interviewing the new CEO of the trust.  
  • Carried out a student wellbeing survey which influenced the development of the clubs on offer and the PSHE curriculum.  
  • Continued to support those in need through fundraising – St Marks Meals, Turkey & Syria Earthquake appeal, Macmillan Cancer Support. 


Student Council Structure 2023-2024 

Staff Chair – Zoe Turner 

Staff Vice Chair – Lee Pinner 

Student Chair – Carrigon Stacey 

Vice Chair – Aiden Campbell & Riley Regula